Home News VIDEO DEL GIORNO: “White Dress” dei Led By Vajra

VIDEO DEL GIORNO: “White Dress” dei Led By Vajra


I Led By Vajra, Progressive/Core band di Caserta, hanno pubblicato il video di “White Dress”, tratto dall’album “ΨΥXN” in uscita quest’anno per Sliptrick Records, etichetta con la quale hanno recentemente firmato un contratto discografico.

“White Dress” viene così descritto:

“Il video rappresenta la doppia identità delle donne che vengono stuprate: iniziano a pensare che hanno meritato ciò che hanno subito invece di sentirsi delle vittime di quanto accaduto”.

Pagina Facebook Led By Vajra

Like the snow down the sky
White like the innocence of virgins and wives
But I turned to grey in the eyes
My white dress got dirty for my entire life.
With my tears I tried to remove the stain
But they were acid rain
And the soil permeated ripping my tissues
The rain turned to snow
Dying out my vehement fire
Closing my body and mind
In a prison made of ice
How am I / How am I / How am I supposed to escape?
If I am the monster that deserves to be enclosed in cell
This dress is not fitting me
How can I desire and reject
something at the same time?
Terrified that someone goes through my intimate
I strongly wish that it happens.
My heart is still burning
But its tongues of fire aren’t long enough
And all that chains up me
All that drown out me still remains
‘Cause they won’t believe that I was defenseless
Saying I asked for it
‘Cause I wasn’t strong enough to prevent it.
How am I / How am I / How am I supposed to escape?
If I am the monster that deserves to be enclosed in cell
This dress is not fitting me
I wasn’t worthy enough of it
I wasn’t matching up with it
How am I / How am I / How am I supposed to exist?
Pain you didn’t face is here / It’s besieging you / Its hands surround your neck.